W andering A round D rinking B eer.com

Beer is packaged in bottles, cans, casks and kegs for taste preservation and ease of shipping. Improvements in this technology have allowed exotic brews from all parts of the globe to flow freely to anxious beer drinkers across our thirsty planet. Micorobrweeries are popping up all over the place and some beer drinkers greatly enjoy exploring the diversity of small craft brews. Great creativity and artistry has been exhibited in designing catchy names and fancy lables. These are all very positive developments because they result in a greater promotion of beer and a higher elevation for the beer drinker.

Yet, I am concerned about the rapid growth of this industry. When I visit a local merchant or grocer and see the huge variety and vast quantity of beer in stock I experience an initial excitement...but this is quickly followed by an even stronger sense of despair. A lone consumer of beer standing quietly and feeling quite small as I view this incredible gallery. I am but one man. A single beer drinker with the dream of freeing all of this packaged liquid gold.

Beer was meant to be drunk, not stacked for extended display under harsh florescent lights. My goal is to free as much beer as possible from these containers. It is a huge undertaking and I am prepared for an extended mission. I implore you to join me in this noble goal. Don't be quiet about it, send email to the address at the bottom of the page or post on OfficialBeerTaster.com and share your photos and tales of conquest as we work diligently to FREE THE BEER!!!


Alaska Flag
Alaska, USA

Florida Flag
Sunrise, Florida
I found a wonderful brewery in the wilds of Alaska.
Oh boy, did that hit the spot!
An ice cold Becks is perfectly accompanied by some supremely spicy calamari at the Hibiscus Sports Bar in Sunrise, Florida.

Ecuador Flag

Ecuador, South America


Ecuador Flag

Ecuador, South America


I'm not always in Ecuador...but when I am, I drink Pilsener.
Stay thirsty my friends.

Life is good and the Pilsener is cold on the tranquil Pacific coastal beach of Mompiche, Ecuador.

Ecuador Flag

Hanging out with friends at the Jungla Bar in Mompiche, Ecuador.

Ecuador Flag

Serious beer drinkers must always be prepared to pop-a-top and we share that bond in Mompiche, Ecuador.

Uruguay Flag

Montevideo, Uruguay is one of my most favorite places to wander around drinking beer.There are so many interesting things to see and so many great places to eat. I can walk around town with a quart sized bottle of beer and nobody bothers me at all. When it's empty, I stop at the next kiosk or corner shop, turn in the old bottle and get a discount on the next quart. Patricia is my favorite brand here.

Uruguay Flag

I try to walk through all the smaller streets of Montevideo as I'm wandering around because there is no end to what you might stumble upon (or step in if you aren't careful).

Uruguay Flag

Sharing delicious beer with great friends is what makes it all most special and memorable wherever you may be in the world.

Uruguay Flag

Beer is always better with friends, but never seems to last as long with some of them.

Uruguay Flag

When you eat in Uruguay make sure to bring your appetite. They grill every piece of meat they can scrape off the animal.
One night we sat in a restaurant and they brought us plate after plate of the weirdest beef cuts: tongue, ear, neck, jaw, etc. I pointed out to my friends that the waiters were not doing the same for other tables and I guessed that they were digging through the trash to see just how much of it we would actually eat. Some guys chickened out, but I tasted every unfathomable morsel they skewed, grilled and served.

Uruguay Flag

Who doesn't love the perfection of combining great beer with a pretty girl? Now THAT is my perfect threesome!

France Flag

There wasn't much that interested me in Paris, France, but as long as I can find some imported beer to share with my imported friends, then I'll be able to survive the hardship of harsh treatment. Sacré bleu!

United Kingdom Flag

Old England, on the other hand is a beer drinkers paradise. You can be certain that the sour look on my face was from the financial news and not from that delicious dark brew. Someday I'll organize a pub tour that extends for months and see just how many of the Kingdom's great watering holes we can visit.

United Kingdom Flag

John Smith's is one of my favorite bitters. It's odd how I can sit and drink warm beer all day long while in England, but am totally disgusted if I'm served something less than an ice-cold brew when I'm in the United States.

Jamaica Flag

Red Stripe is my favorite Jamaican beer, but in this photo I'm having a Dragon. Check out the sign in the background and you'll see that I was at a party where the organizers really put safety first.

Jamaica Flag

The only thing as good as a cold Red Stripe on a hot summer day is, of course, having a second one!

Peru Flag

A cold Cristal is the perfect beer to drink with a freshly caught Pirana dinner when traversing the jungle along the Amazon River near Iquitos, Peru.

Peru Flag

Cusquena Beer is an excellent choice when drinking beer in Peru or if you are lucky enough to find this canned version designed for export.

Nigeria Flag

Gulder was my beer of choice while in Lagos, Nigeria. It had the best flavor of all the Nigerian beers I tried. Friends even began calling me the "Gulder Man." I bore the title with honor.

Nigeria Flag

But Gulder would only be the choice when other beers were unavailable. Here I am on the beach of Tarqua Bay near the port of Lagos, Nigeria celebrating the arrival of a supply ship which brought in some Mexican Corona beer.

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